Here is
instructional media
for your "fair use" educational purposes only:
01-Despotism (sound edit).mp4
01-John Adams.mp4
01-Philosophy of Liberty.mp4
01-Story of Stuff.mp4
02-Orville s1e7 Majority Rule.mp4
02-WKRP CURB (25m).mp4
03-Gideons Trumpet (1980 trim 1.5h).mp4
03-Icing on the Cake (5m).mp4
03-Jackie-O incident (s2e5) new.mp4
04 American Taliban.mp4
04 Duck and Cover.mp4
04 Mission of SAC.mp4
04 Why We Fight (1h39m).mp4
04 You Cant Handle the Truth.mp4
05 Big Sky, Big Money (2012).mp4
05 Story of Citizens v. FEC (9m).mp4
05-online vigilance.mp4
05.0-The Crash of 1929 (AmExp 2009 1h).mp4
05.2c-Apology (s1e3 6m).mp4
05.3-Greatest Country in the World (s1e1 8m)_converted.mp4
05.4-I have a dream August 28, 1963 (16.5mins).mp3
05.5a First Past the Post (6.5m)_converted(1)_converted.mp4
05.5b Alternative Vote (4.5m)_converted(1)_converted.mp4
05.5c Gerrymandering (5.5m)_converted(1)_converted.mp4
05.5d Single Transferable Vote (7m)_converted(1)_converted.mp4
05.5e Mixed-Member Proportional Representation Explained (4.5m)_converted(1)_converted.mp4
05.5f Democracy Is Mathematically Impossible (voting methods).mp4
05.6-Is it a Choice (5m).mp4
05.6-missed when I was pretty (1m37).mp4
05.7-election tampering (new s1e6 12m).mp4
05.7a-Redistricting Song (4m).mp4
05.7b-Politics In The Animal Kingdom ƒ/
05.8-Facebook (4m).mp4
05.9-what motivates us (10m).mp4
07-An Unreasonable Man (2h).mp4
08-1964 Johnson "Daisy" spot_converted.mp4
08-Cronkite on Vietnam 1 (13mins).mp3
08-Frontline - Sick Around World (1h).mp4
08-Gulf of Tonkin Controversy from 60 Minutes (3.5m)_converted.mp4
08-power of media context clip (5mins)_converted.mp4
09-Casino Jack and the United States of Money (2h)_converted.mp4
09.3-Yes Minister - The Greasy Pole (30mins)_converted.mp4
10-11th Hour [1.5h 2007]_converted.mp4
10-ACLU MJ (30min)_converted.mp4
10-Freakonomics (trimmed 1.1h).mp4
10-Military Voices (10m).mp4
10-WKRP S2E28 Carlson for President (pris. dilemma 25mins)_converted.mp4
15-Unconscious Bias (4m resample).mp4
17 AUG 13 class launch a trim.mp4
17 AUG 13 class launch b trim.mp4
71-17 - One-Pagers - Chris Hadfield Teaches Space Exploration.mp4
8 Signs of Terrorism .mp4
About Fallout (1963).mp4
About a Girl (The Oroville s1e3).mp4
Abstract.The.Art.of.Design.S01E01.720p.Christoph Niemann.mp4
American Taliban
An Unreasonable Man (2h streaming).mov
An Unreasonable Man (download 2h).mp4
Antidote to Dissatisfaction.mp4
Atomic Cafe.mp4
Atrazine vs. Frogs (Dr. Hayes vs. Syngenta 15m).mov
Automation is Different this Time.mp4
Boxing Daria.mp4
Brain Candy.mp4
CASCADDAN response sample 2023 Spring.pdf
Cartographers for Social Justice (3m s2e16).mov
Catch-22 (2h).mp4
Catch-22 (2hrs).avi
Catch-22 (2hrs).mov
Consuming Kids.mp4
Cronkite on Vietnam 2 (9mins).mp3
Cronkite on Vietnam Tonkin Gulf 1 (13mins).mp3
Cronkite on Vietnam Tonkin Gulf 2 (9mins).mp3
Day Called X pt.1 (1955).mp4
Day Called X pt.2 (1955).mp4
Democracy Is Mathematically Impossible (voting methods).mp4
Destination Moon.mp4
Dr Strangelove.mp4
Drink the Wine (Princess Bride).mp4
Eames 901 small.mp4
Eames 901.mp4
Eisenhower Farewell Address.mp4
Estes full motor burn transparent (no audio).mp4
Evolution of Law Enforcement (Origin of Everything) 14m.mp4
Facts about Nuclear Weapons (1960).mp4
Fail-safe professor (6.5m).mov
Flag Code, the (BSA Scout Handbook, 8th ed. 1972) 2023-05-29_195119.pdf
Flight to Mars 1951 (cultural subjectivity clip).mov
Fly With Me (AmExp s36e2).mp4
Fortune Coookie Candidacy (s4e4 4m).mov
Four Little Girls (1h42m).mp4
Free to be You and Me (1974).mp4
Gideons Trumpet (1980 trim 1.5h).mp4
Gilligan Manifesto (2018).mp4
Good Night and Good
Good Night and Good Luck.mp4
Hanford Science Forum (painful whistle) (1957).mp4
Harold and Maude.mp4
Heinlein on women Apollo 11.mp4
How Airlines Quietly Became Banks.mp4
I have a dream August 28, 1963 (16.5m).mp3
Im as mad as hell and Im not going to take this anymore (Network - 1976).mp4
Internet is Worse Than Ever – Now What (148MB Kurzgesagt in a nutshell).mp4
Isaac and Ishmael (37m).mp4
Mass Casualty Mgt. (1958).mp4
Niel Armstrong military aviation comment (First Flights s3e12 Flight Control - Wing Warping To Fly-by-wire).mp4
Once Too Often (Jack Lemmon US military training film 1950).mp4
Outfoxed (1.3h).mp4
Pickle Queen of CPS.mp4
Pleasantville pt1 (1h6m).mp4
Pleasantville pt1 (53m audio not ideal).mp4
Pleasantville pt2 (1h).mp4
Powers of Ten.mp4
Progenitor recording (STNG s6e20 The Chase).mp4
Racist Origins of U.S. Law (Origins of Everything) 13m.mp4
Reefer Madness (1936).mp4
Revolt on Alpha C ed5 (Silverberg 1965).pdf
Rio 2019-20 School Year Info.pdf
Spider - louder.mp4
Star Trek DS9 - S06E13 - Far Beyond the Stars.mp4
Star Trek Next Gen - S05E25 - The Inner Light.mp4
Story of Citizens United v FEC.mp4
Story of Stuff (21m).mov
Survive Atomic Attack (1951).mp4
Survive a Nuclear Attack.mp4
The Look.mp4
The Republican Way.mp3
Tiling - waterproofing the sloped shower pan (Michael Bernam).mp4
Tiling floors (Michael Bernam).mp4
Too Big to Fail (2011 1h40m).mp4
Trinity and Beyond.mp4
Twilight Zone 2019 - S01E05 The Wunderkind (Trump metaphor parable).mp4
Twilight Zone S04E04 Hes Alive.mp4
Universal Basic Income Explained.mp4
WKRP - Carlson for President.mp4
WKRP - Clean Up Radio Everywhere (s3e22).mp4
What is Good for General Motors (45m).mp4
Who Killed The Electric Car (2006 1.5h).mp4
Why We Fight (1h39).mp4
Why We
Wings Up (Captain Clark Gable recruitment film 1943) stream.mp4
Winning Your Wings (Lieutenant Jimmy Stewart recruitment film 1942) stream.mp4
Writer Automaton.mp4
Yes Minister - The Greasy Pole (30m).avi
Yes Minister - The Greasy Pole.mp4
assholes (Dead Like Me S2E04 The Shallow End ca.2004).mp4
descriptive statistics (Corporate S01E03).mp4
don't talk to police(136mb)(1).mov
election tampering (s1e6 12m).mp4
how to take notes zoom 12 MAR 2021.mp4
mental trap (s1e12).mp4
missed when I was pretty (1m37).mov
never talk to the police.mp4
power of media context clip (5mins).mp4
the speech (Great Dictator 1940).mp4
the speech.mp3
train the lad(2).mov
who cares (s3e3).mov
wrong money (8m Lawrence Lessig).mp4
wrong money clip (8m Lawrence Lessig).mp4
If you have questions or comments, drop me a line: